For Guests & Members


   Last updated: February 19, 2011






Terms of Use for Guests


MacHouse no longer offers video tutorials to guests or freeloaders.


  1. MacHouse does not guarantee that video tutorials are always available to guests.  When the allowed bandwidth is tight, we will close it till the end of the month.  MacHouse is the sole developer of all the video tutorials found at its websites and shall be under no obligation in making any of the video tutorials available at any time.

  2. Video tutorials are available only to those who wish to participate in further discussions.  Visitors are never asked to do anything against their will.  Those who prefer not to waste their time in posting comments at MacHouse Blog and/or MacHouse Forums are advised to go to video-sharing websites.  This is not a video-sharing website as WE created all the video tutorials you find here.

  3. By choosing to watch video tutorials consistently without taking part, you acknowledge that your access to our websites may be temporarily or permanently blocked.

  4. Visitors who choose to access our video tutorials acknowledge that their IP addresses are recorded.

  5. Once blocked, guests will not get their access back to video tutorials by making donations or becoming members.

  6. All the video tutorials are available for streaming only.  No visitor is allowed to download any of the video tutorials to their hard disks.

  7. Guests shall not contact the website administrator and make a request as to which video tutorial needs to be available.

  8. MacHouse has the right to change any of the terms above at any time without a public announcement.