MacHouse Software


   Last updated: July 25, 2012








Mac software PNG4iDevices




PNG4iDevices is a simple application that will allow software developers to generate various sizes of PNG files for iPhone & iPad applications.  With a single square-ratio PNG/PSD/TIFF image, you can generate different PNG images (29 x 29 px, 50 x 50 px, 57 x 57 px, 114 x 114 px, ..., 512 x 512 px).  If you have a source image each for multiple applications, you can just drag and drop them all onto the listbox, which serves as a drop box, to generate icon images at a time.





  • Choose either device, iPhone or iPad.
  • Set your default settings separately for iPhone and iPad applications in Preferences so that you will be ready to export icon images right after importing files.
  • import any number of source images.
  • Select export sizes (57 x 57 px or 114 x 114 px, 512 x 512 px, 29 x 29 px or 58 x 58 px) for iPhone applications.
  • Select export sizes (72 x 72 px or 512 x 512 px, 50 x 50 px, 29 x 29 px, 320 x 320 px or 64 x 64 px) for iPad applications.





Mac software PNG4iDevices

Configuring default settings for iPhone applications


Mac software PNG4iDevices

Configuring default settings for iPad applications

Mac software PNG4iDevices

Importing individual images


Mac software PNG4iDevices

Importing images for several iPad applications at a time


Mac software PNG4iDevices

Generating 3 different sizes of PNG files for as many as 10 iPhone applications


Mac software PNG4iDevices

Examing final icon images




Trial version:


A demo/trial version is available.


  • Click on the button to download a demo/trial version of PNG4iDevices for Mac OS X 10.6.  Mac video tutorials



System requirements:


  • Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8 with Intel Mac (Intel Mac) only




Purchasing PNG4iDevices license:



Purchasing a single license of PNG4iDevices


Mac App Store

Available at Mac App Store only as PNG4iDevices







Version History:


1.0.5 to 1.1.0 (Auguest 20, 2011)

  1. The user can now export resized pictures by clicking on the export button at the bottom of the window on top of choosing File > Export.
  2. Enable the More checkbox and select a square-ratio size for additional export sizes (64 x 64 or 60 x 60, 48 x 48, 36 x 36...).
  3. A few other minor changes are made.

    Mac software PNG4iDevices

    Please note that it may take Mac App Store several days to weeks or a few months to approve this update.


1.0.1 to 1.0.5 (Auguest 6, 2011)

  1. The application is compatible with Mac OS X Lion.
  2. Fix: When the user presses Command + E, the application could export graphic files for both iPhone and iPad.
  3. Fix: The application failed to save user's settings under the iPhone tab of the Preferences window where the user selects High resolution.
  4. The Save button is installed under both iPhone and iPad. When the user changes current export paths, this button will become accessible. Clicking on it, the user can make this new current path the default export folder.
  5. The minimum window size is changed to 570 x 560 pixels (was 570 x 530 pixels).


1.0.0 to 1.0.1 (June 15, 2011)

  1. A serious bug under iPad that was pointed out by a Mac App Store reviewer has been corrected.


PNG4iDevices is a product of MacHouse.
iPhone and iPad are products of Apple, Inc.