DeskPics is a quick and easy solution to taking screenshots on your Mac. Folder shot lets you take snapshots of selected windows. Use Partial shot to take snapshots of partially defined areas on the desktop.
- Use Folder shot to take snapshots of selected folder windows.
- Use Partial shot to define a partial desktop area to take snapshots with or without Mouse pointer, with or without a delay.
- Use Quick shot to take full-size desktop snapshots with a tempoary image and let Desk Pics set the original desktop picture back automatically when you are finished. (Version 1.1)
- Use iSight shot to take snapshots through a built-in iSight camera. (Version 1.2)
- Enable Auto number to name each desktop picture file. (Version 1.0)

Taking a snapshot of a folder window with Folder shot |

Taking a snapshot of a folder window with Folder shot |

Taking a snapshot of the destop with a defined area |

Taking a snapshot of the destop with a defined area |

Removing a temporary desktop picture under Quick shot |
Trial version:
A demo/trial version is available.
- Click on the button to download a demo/trial version of DeskPics for Mac OS X 10.6.

System requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.6 with Intel Mac (Intel Mac) only for ver. 1.0, 1.0.2, 1.1.0
- Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8 with Intel Mac (Intel Mac) only for ver. 1.2 or higher.
Purchasing DeskPics license:
Purchasing a single license of DeskPics |

Available at Mac App Store only as DeskPics |
日本国に在住の方はこのソフトは購入することができません。 |
Version History:
1.2.1 to 1.2.5 (October 11, 2011)
- All the changes shown below with v. 1.2.4...
- iSight shot: The application will find out whether or not user's application is equipped with a built-in camera correctly under Mac OS X 10.7.
This software update only applies to the online store version.
1.2.1 to 1.2.4 (October 11, 2011)
- When the user attempts to close the Quick shot window by clicking in the red tool window button, the user will be prompted for confirmation since the current screenshot will remain if they quit the application.
- With the Auto checkbox disabled, the user can be prompted for confirmation in overwriting to an existing screenshot unless 'No overwrite confirmation' is enabled in Preferences.
- Fix: The application failed to see if the current computer is equipped with a built-in iSight camera under iSight show.
- Fix: The application could set a wrong file extension when the user clicked on the Select button to set a new export destination.
This software update is only available for the Mac App Store version. The online store version with the same changes will be available in a few days.
1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (August 20, 2011)
- Fix: The application could crash under Mac OS X Lion when the user closed Quick shot to go back to the main window.
- Fix: The application could crash under Quick shot when the user clicked on the Select button to set a new export path.
- Change: Users can no longer close the window of each component by clicking in the Close button in order to enhance application's stability. If necessary, they can press Command + W to close the component window to go back to the main window.
1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (July 24, 2011)
- The application is compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
- A new feature is available. iSight shot allows the user to take snapshots through a built-in iSight camera.
- A few other minor changes and fixes are done.
1.0.2 to 1.1.0 (July 22, 2011)
- The application prevents the user from naming a screenshot file with a period on top of its file extension.
- Folder shot, Partial shot: Enable 'Auto number,' and DeskPics will number each screenshot the user takes instead of writing to an existing one.
- Fix: The default picture names set by the user in Preferences incorrectly fell back to 'My picture.'
- A new feature is available. Quick shot allow the user to swap the current desktop picture to a selected one. After the user leaves Quick shot, the application will automatically put the last desktop picture back.
- Numerous other minor fixes and changes are done.
1.0.0 to 1.0.2 (May 10, 2011)
- Fix: After the user clicks on Select with no file selected and then proceeds to click on Start under Folder shot, the application could crash.
- Fix: After the user clicks on Select with no file selected and then proceeds to click on Start under Partial shot, the application could fail to take a partial desktop screenshot.
Please note that it may take Mac App Store several days to weeks to approve an update.
DeskPics is a product of MacHouse.