BookmarksX is an advanced version of bkBrowser. BooksmarksX lets you catalog website bookmarks with snapshots and keep track of their Google PageRanks. Users can rate each website and write notes about it with styled text (font color, font style, font size...). Users can also access Alexa Traffic Details and QuantCast Audience Profile for the selected URL or domain.
Just take two steps to make bookmarks.
- Create a bookmark folder.
- Drag and drop a favorite icon or URL text selection from any web browser onto BookmarksX's drop box.
Every time the user presses the Create button after dragging and dropping a favorite icon or a piece of URL text onto the drop box, BookmarksX will analyze the URL and automatically record its Google PageRank. BookmarksX also allows the user to look up Google PageRanks of as many as 100 URLs simultaneously.
Resizing web browser's window
Having trouble keeping the same dimensions of web browser's window? Whenever you want to take a snapshot of a website, the dimesions of web browser's window are different. It happens all the time, right? BookmarksX can read the settings of popular web browsers (Safari, Camino, Opera and Firefox) and let you change their window dimensions.
How to use BookmarksX effectively

Mac Developer's Guide: VersionTracker vs MacUpdate, Using BookmarksX
BookmarksX gives the user quick access to website PageRanks. The user also has quick access to Alexa Traffic Details and Quantcast Audience Profile for the selected URL. The following article illustrates an example of how you can use BookmarksX effectively to compare websites.
Click here to read the article. |
Trial version:
A demo/trial version is available.
- Click on the button to download a demo/trial version of BookmarksX for Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6.

System requirements:
- Mac OS X: 10.5, 10.6 with PowerPC Mac or Intel Mac
Video tutorials

BookmarksX Video Tutorial 01
The first video tutorial shows the basic workflow of BookmarksX. It shows how to create bookmark folders and make bookmark profiles.
This video tutorial contains audio commentary. Click on the screenshot to the left to watch the video tutorial.
Duration: 05:24
Media format: QuickTime (.mov) |

BookmarksX Video Tutorial 02
The second video tutorial shows how the PageRanks feature works. The PageRanks feature allows users to look up Google PageRanks of up to 100 URLs simultaneously. This video shows that it takes BookmarksX about 2 seconds to analyze 10 URLs and then find their PageRanks.
Duration: 01:57
Media format: QuickTime (.mov) |

BookmarksX Video Tutorial 03
The third video tutorial is another brief one. It shows how the Snapshot feature works. Users can take a snapshot of a webpage or any window and save it as a graphic image at the location they specify.
Duration: 01:56
Media format: QuickTime (.mov) |
Purchasing BookmarksX license:
Purchasing a single license of BookmarksX |
BookmarksX is not currently available.
Version History
1.8.5 to 1.9.0 (To be released on November 20, 2010)
- Preferences: The user has an option of whether or not to relaunch the application after closing the Preferences window to refresh settings.
- Preferences: The user has an option of letting Whos Inspector window follow the main window.
- Preferences: The user has an option of letting Bookmark Inspector window follow the main window.
- The frame style of Whois Inspector and that of Bookmark Inspector are switched back to document as the metal window has a problem in refreshing data when it's not brought to front. We apologize for repeated changes.
- When the user opens Preferences, Whois Inspector and Bookmark Inspector windows will automatically close themselves provided that they are open.
- The user is now able to move the selected bookmark profile to another existing folder. Right-button-click on a bookmark folder and choose 'Move Bookmark.'
The user is now able to rename the selected bookmark folder. Click on the edit button at the left-bottom corner of the window.
- Aborting to pick a color in Preferences will only put the original color back instead of setting a color to black.
- The application should be fully compatible with Snow Leopard.
- Other numerous minor changes and fixes are made.
1.8.2 to 1.8.5 (September 26, 2010)
- The frame styles of the Whois Inspector and Bookmark Inspector windows are switched to Metal.
- The user is now able to use contextual menu (Edit menu) on the text area fields of Whois Inspector and Bookmark Inspector.
- Fix: The text area field of Bookmark Inspector will not be broken when the user resizes the window.
- The user will not be able to close the Preferences window if the window location is not set properly.
- 'Export Screenshot' is fixed such that the file name will be appropriate whether to hide or show an extension.
- Clicking on Bookmark Profile List without selecting a bookmark profile will gray out the entire Bookmarks menu.
- Create and Delete buttons on the Toolbar menu are removed. Instead, equivalent buttons are installed right below Bookmark Folder List.
1.8.0 to 1.8.2 (May 18, 2010)
- Preferences window will open at the same position as the main window even when the user chooses Split n Join > Preferences.
- Fix: The locations of the search box and the search button will be adjusted accordingly as the main window is resized.
- The user is now able to change the color showing the number of bookmarks. (See Preferences > Settings 1)
1.7.5 to 1.8.0 (April 27, 2010)
- The application remembers main window's position, where Preferences window will open.
- The application will not crash after the user deletes a bookmark folder.
- The number of bookmark profiles now appears next to the name of each folder.
- The user is now able to search for a particular URL. Simply, enter a URL string in the edit field found at the bottom of the main window and press the Search button.
- A number of some other minor changes and fixes are implemented.
1.7.0 to 1.7.5 (February 4, 2010)
- The application will re-launch itself after the user closes Preferences.
- The Catalog window will not scroll back to the top after the user clicks on a thumbnail.
- The user can let the application make up a file name each time they use Snapshot. Enable/Disable 'Make names.'
- Thumbnail images will be optimized after the user changes the view size.
- 'Edit Bookmark' properly works.
1.6.4 to 1.7.0 (January 24, 2010)
- Google PageRank numbers are now shown in colored circle digits.
- The user can change the text color of Google PageRank numbers in Preferences. See the Settings1 tab.
- Closing the Preferences window quits the application automatically to maintain application stability.
- The tab columns of the Bookmark Profile list can now be adjusted.
- Several minor bugs and typos are fixed.
1.6.2 to 1.6.4 (January 22, 2010)
- The size of the preview window will be automatically adjusted regardless of the window size of a web browser when the user creates a new bookmark.
- Several typos are corrected.

Version 1.6.2 |

Version 1.6.4 |
1.5.1 to 1.6.2 (January 10, 2010)
- Licensed users can now set default destination and graphic format for Snapshot. See Preferences > Settings 2.
- Pressing the Return key on the Snapshot window will cause BookmarksX to proceed to take a snapshot. Or press the Escape key to close the window.
- Users can take window snapshots with Snapshot consecutively until closing the window.
- A few minor changes and fixes are rendered.
1.4.1 to 1.5.1 (January 4, 2010)
- Users now have two options for exporting PageRank query result. By choosing Export to Text, BookmarksX will write data in the tab-separated form.
- A new Toolbar button is added. Clicking on the QuickCheck button, users can quickly analyze the Google PageRank of a given URL instead of a URL from an existing bookmark profile. Users will get access to Alexa Traffic Details and QuantCast Audience Profile for a given URL.
- A few minor changes and fixes are done.
1.3.1 to 1.4.1 (January 2, 2010)
- With this version update, BookmarksX is capable of reading web browser's settings and resizing the dimensions of the selected web browser's window. The supported web browsers include Safari 4, Camino 2, Opera 10 and Firefox 3.5. Click here for more information on this update.
1.3.0 to 1.3.1 (January 1, 2010)
- The tab sorting function is turned off. This is a tempoary remedy. We know why tab sorting causes trouble. We haven't made up our mind as to whether to fix it or just leave it. As a relatively major update on its way, we will make up our mind as to what to do with tab sorting by the time a next update is ready.
1.2.0 to 1.3.0 (December 30, 2009)
- A new contextual menu command is added to Bookmark Profile List. By choosing 'Find Alexa Traffic Details,' the user can access Alexa's Traffic Details page for the selected URL.
- A new contextual menu command is added to Bookmark Profile List. By choosing 'Find Quantcast Audience Profile,' the user can access Quantcast's Audience Profile for selected URL's domain (Domains with .com, .net, .edu, .org, .gov, .biz, .info, .ru, .cn, .jp only).
- Three new contextual menu commands (Access URL, Copy URL and Copy PageRank) are added to PageRanks' listbox.
- The user can export a PageRank query result to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
BookmarksX is a product of MacHouse.