MacHouse Software


   Last updated: March 27, 2011






Audio2QT - User's Guide


Mac software Audio2QT







1. Installing and uninstalling Audio2QT

Please read the README file that comes with the application.  Or click here to download one.  Click here to download license notices.  Click here to download a sample audio clip package.  (3.1 MB)


2. Preferences

Audio2QT is a simple application.  So there isn't much to offer in Preferences.  But let's take a quick look.  Click on the Preferences button on the Toolbar menu.  (See Screenshot 1.)



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 1


Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 2



When you first launch Audio2QT, your default export folder will be automatically set to Desktop.  And you can change it inside the box that says Default export folder.  (See Screenshot 2.)  Simply, click on the Set button to set a new default export folder.  Furthermore, there are three checkboxes under the Settings tab.  If you enable Play audio when complete (See Screenshot 3.), you will be notified of export comletion with a chime.  You don't necessarily have to enable it.  You will know when it's done because a progress window will close itself when an export process is done.  We also suggest that you enable Show File Window.  We will tell you what it's for in a minute.



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 3


Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 4



Going back to the Main screen, the first thing you need to do is drag and drop one or more audio clips onto the drop box.  (See Screenshot 4.)  You don't have to worry about which audio format is supported and which is not.  Simply, Audio2QT will accept any file type at first, whether it's an audio file or a text document.  And Audio2QT will tell you which is accepted and which is not.  Let's take a close look at Screenshot 5.  If you have enabled an option that says 'Show File Window' in Preferences, File Window will pop up to the right, giving you important information on each audio clip you've attempted to import.  If it's not open, you can choose Show File Window under WindowStatus tells you whether or not you can transcode a particular audio clip into QuickTime audio.  Screenshot 5 shows that an audio clip with an extension of caf is rejected.  And Audio2QT does not work with this file type for the moment.  If you temporarily send an audio clip to Trash, you will also get the same rejection symbol, suggesting that it does not exist, and the path to the selected file is invalid.  If you put it back to the original location, the status should turn into 'good.'  So File Window gives you information on each file you've imported in real time, meaning the file status can change at any time.  So you won't have to quit the application when something goes wrong.



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 5


Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 6



The file list will give you access to a contextual menu.  Try selecting an audio clip and right-button-click on it.  If you want to remove the selected file from the list, choose Remove Audio.  (See Screenshot 6.)  You can also delete all files by choosing Clear Audio.  Try selecting a file with a good status and choose Show Audio Info, and you will get detailed information on the media file.  (See Screenshot 7-8.)



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 7


Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 8



The next step is set an audio bit rate and a sample rate.  If you know little about digital audio, you should set an audio bit rate to 128 Kbps or higher.  By the way, if you are importing AC3 clips, try keeping the same sample rate.  If the original clip has a sample rate of 48 KHz, you'd better set a new sample rate to 48 KHz as well.



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 9


Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 10



Although there are only two audio settings, you may want to create an audio profile when you use Audio2QT.  Click on the Add button and see how it works.  (See Screenshot 10.)  All you have to do is name an audio profile and choose a bit rate and a sample rate.  Then click on the Save button.  (See Screenshot 11.)  Go back to the same pull-down menu, and you should find a profile you've created.  (See Screenshot 12.)



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 11


Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 12



Next, let's take a good look at Screenshot 13.  Audio2QT has four status lights.  They'll tell you why you are not ready to convert audio files.


  • Status 1: Export destination - The export folder (or volume) does not exist, or the file path is invalid.
  • Status 2: Audio settings - If the light is red, then there must be something wrong with your audio settings.  A minimum bit rate is 64 Kbps.
  • Status 3: Source audio clips: You must have at least one audio clip selected in the file list.
  • Status 4: Duplicates - There is at least one set of audio clips sharing the same file name.  Because Audio2QT names a new audio file after the original name, name duplicates would be a problem.


If you have all four green lights, you are good to go.  And the Export button should be clickable.  Clicking on it, a progress window will open.  (See Screenshot 14.)



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 13


Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 14



Pretty simple to use, right?  Every time you export audio files, Audio2QT will create a folder with a unique name.  In this way, exported files would not be contaminated even when you work on the same set of audio files over and over.  In the end, you should end up files with an extension of MOV.  You should be able to open them with QuickTime.  (See Screenshot 15.)



Mac software Audio2QT

Screenshot 15





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