User's Guide


  1. Introduction
  2. Using Video2Img

    a) Transferring video files
    b) Taking movie screenshot
    c) Transferring screenshot files to desktop computer

  3. Settings
  4. Version 1.1



1. Introduction

What is Video2Img?  It's an iPad application that lets you take a movie screenshot with just a tap on a button.  Enabling the Auto-numbering function on, you can take as many screenshots as you want, and Video2Img will automatically name screenshot files so that it won't overwrite existing ones.


iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 1-01


2. Using Video2Img

a) Transferring video files

When you use Video2Img, you need to decide where you want the application to look for movie files.  Video2Img can read video files from either its own folder or iTunes Media Library folder.  As shown in Screenshot 2-01, there's a tab control that you can tap at the top.  The Application tab refers to Video2Img's own sandbox-protected folder with which you can load movie files through a desktop-computer with iTunes (Apple's multimedia application) installed.  The second tab refers to the shared media folder on your iPad.  You can transfer iTunes movie files into this folder on your iPad.


iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-01



In order to trasnfer movie files into Video2Img's sandbox-protected folder on your iPad, first, connected your device to a desktop computer with iTunes installed.  Then select your device's name on the sidebar.  Next, click on the Apps tab at the top.  Scroll down towards the bottom, and find Video2Img's name inside the Apps group box.  If you select 'Video2Img,' you will have access to this application's Documents folder.  Now, click on the Add button to the right.  And you will be prompted to select one or more files.  So select movie files, and they will be transferred to your iPad.


iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-02


If you instead want to transfer your movie files into the iTunes library folder, again, connect your iPad to a desktop computer with iTunes installed.  Select Movies on the siderbar.  Then drag and drop one or more video files onto iTunes window.  (See Screenshot 2-03.)  This time, click on the Movies tab at the top.  (See Screenshot 2-04.)  Enable the Sync Movies checkbox, and select one or more files to transfer to your iPad.  Finally, click on the Apply button at the bottom.


iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-03

iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-04


Now that you have transferred movie files to your iPad, you should see a list of movie files just as you see in Screenshot 2-05.  If necessary, tap the Reload button at the bottom to let Video2Img connect either folder again.  And switch to the iTunes library folder if necessary.  By the way, the text field next to the top tab control indicates the number of media files shown in the table.


iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-05

iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-06


b) Taking movie screenshot

When it comes to taking a movie screenshot, you have an option of watermarking or not watermarking it.  If you want to watermark screenshots, simply turn on the top switch.  (See Screenshot 2-06.)  Next, decide where to position watermark text.  The tab control below gives you four choices: top-left corner, bottom-left corner, top-right corner and bottom-right corner.  (You can also move the fixed position horizontally and vertically.  See 'Offset' in Settings.)  The green Go button is the button you need to tap in order to switch to the movie player.  This button may be grayed out for the moment.  If it is, that's because you have not selected a movie in the list.  So select one whose duration is longer than 0 seconds.


iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-07

iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-08


When you tap the Go button, the screen will switch to the movie player.  There are a couple of media control sets at the top and at the bottom.  (See Screenshot 2-07.)  If you want to leave the movie player and go back to the main screen, tap the blue Done button at the top.  And you can manually grab the play head to seek a frame.  Remember, these media control sets can disappear automatically if the screen is idle.  If you want to display them, tap the movie screen.

Finally, if you are ready to take a screenshot, simply tap the button at the bottom-right corner.  (See Screenshot 2-08.)  If you do, the status indicator to the left will tell you how the screenshot has been named.  This status message will disappear in 5 seconds.

c) Transferring screenshot files to desktop computer

In order to claim your screenshots, you need to connect your iPad to a desktop computer running iTunes again.  Select the device on the sidebar and click on the Apps tab at the top.  (See Screenshot 2-09.)  Well, we've done that earlier, right?  So select Video2Img inside the Apps box.  Then click on the Save to button this time after selecting one or more screenshot files.


iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-09

iOS app Video2Img

Screenshot 2-10


Screenshot 2-10 shows a movie screenshot taken with Video2Img.  Now, you should wonder where this green watermark color comes from?  And how do we set the watermark text?  That's what we are going to cover, next.











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